The Shelter Expert Economy Smoking Shelter. Incl. Ground Fixings & Free Delivery!
This Smoking Shelter provides a covered area of 2010mm depth x length options of 4m, 6m and 8m. Sheeting panels are supplied to the curved roof from front to rear, and to the sides for additional weather protection, the unit complies with UK Health ACT for the 50% open area rule.
Standard Features:
- Mild steel Strongbox square section to EN10219:2006
- UV2 sheeting 3mm thickness
- Choice of Galvanised Finish or Powder Coat Only Finish, either Moss Green RAL 6005 or Traffic Blue RAL 5017
- Fixed mounting feet for bolt down fixing
- Option to purchase seating
- Option to purchase a cigarette bin
- All fixings are supplied including ground fixings
- Free delivery to England, Wales, and Southern Scotland. ( For delivery supplements to other UK and European destinations please contact us
- Our worry free guarantee - any manufacturing or material defect will be rectified free of charge.
The benefits of a smoking shelter for your business and premises, staff, visitors and customers
- The Weather.
A smoking shelter provides good weather protection whilst maintaining a 50% open area which is part of the UK guidelines for a smoking shelter. Keeping smokers dry and out of the worst of the UK weather can be the deciding factor between your business and a competitor. - The Litter.
A smoking shelter & cigarette bin will provide a designated area to smoke and to discard of used cigarettes, maintaining a clean space that both smokers and non-smokers appreciate. - The Team.
Increase employee satisfaction & morale by providing an area to make connections, socialise, and relax during their downtime.
In stock
As low as £1,595.00
Why Provide A Smoking Shelter?
Whilst there is no current UK law enforcing the implementation of smoking shelters there are still many great benefits to businesses, staff and visitors when providing a smoking shelter to comfortably smoke & vape outside.
Over 6 million people in the UK smoke on a regular basis, therefore, it is most likely that your business will employ members of staff or receive visitors to the premises that choose to smoke. By providing a smoking shelter shows that consideration was made for their benefit and comfort.
All our Smoking shelters are manufactured for outdoor use and meet the 50% open area rule, being suitable for all types of businesses and social areas. We supply to all places of work including but not limited to; factories, construction sites, offices, public buildings, pubs, restaurants and retail premises. Our `Best Buy’ smoking shelter is our best selling shelter
The benefits of a smoking shelter for your business and premises, staff, visitors and customers
- The Weather.
A smoking shelter provides good weather protection whilst maintaining a 50% open area which is part of the UK guidelines for a smoking shelter. Keeping smokers dry and out of the worst of the UK weather can be the deciding factor between your business and a competitor. - The Litter.
A smoking shelter & cigarette bin will provide a designated area to smoke and to discard of used cigarettes, maintaining a clean space that both smokers and non-smokers appreciate. - The Team.
Increase employee satisfaction & morale by providing an area to make connections, socialise, and relax during their downtime.
Where to place a smoking shelter?
The UK guidelines suggests placement away from doors and windows and at a distance of 1.5m from any other part of the building
- The Non-smokers.
Keeping those that choose to smoke away from the primary entrances and exits of the building is considered an essential practice. It is beneficial to non-smokers to minimise what some consider being an unpleasant smell and the risk from second hand smoke, also reducing the visual aspect of used cigarette butts in common areas. - The Children.
Some businesses may have to consider children and place the shelter away from general view. There are 14 million people under the age of 18 in the UK and they are also the generation least likely to smoke. Keeping them safe from the potential dangers of encouraging a smoking habit and from second hand smoke will be appreciated by them and their care givers.
The Health Act 2006 prohibits the smoking of tobacco or anything which contains tobacco, or being in possession of any other lit substance in a form in which it can be smoked in enclosed and substantially enclosed parts of virtually all public places and work places that employ more than one member of staff.
For further information on any of the above items, please see our technical information pages Please note:- As our policy is one of continuous improvement, there may be minor differences between the product you receive and the images on the website. The overall appearance of the product will not be affected. The standard or the quality of the product supplied will be equal or superior to the product image on the website.